Within you, Without you

Welcome to that quiet space within you. Still yourself in this moment as you step into these shared words here on the very computer you spend too much time on. Ironic, don’t you think? A blog that extends a little extra spiritual guidance on your present journey. A journey centered on the two basic reasons we are here on Earth…

  1. To have peace of mind

  2. To deepen self-realization.

The rest is what has crippled your healthy boundaries. And, created unnecessary tension within you and without you. Spoken truth and actual human face to face interaction can be uncomfortable to the unconscious. Hence, there are more humans than ever glued to to their phone as they blindly walk to point B. At times, only led by a mind controlling electronic leash that miraculously escorts one through a crosswalk. Fascinating concept of modern existence. It doesn’t have to be this way.

I have been involved in the health and wellness field for 25 years. The last 6 years have been quite the odyssey of self-investing in the effects of liberation, and/or suppression. Equally, I have been fascinated by the bodies emotional recordings in it’s 72,000 astral tubes (energy channels.) The effects of emotional avoidance / vulnerability, poor posture in front of a computer for 7+ hours a day, over indulgence, inability to control desires, and toxic reward systems that actually sabotage our long term health.

“What am I reading right now?” Good question. This is me simply flowing with what’s at the surface of my being. I encourage you to keep sitting up straight, breath into your belly, and flow with me. Shall we continue down this stream of consciousness?

As a massage therapist, a high percentage of my clientele are coming in for regular treatment from a lack of a few similar practices: A lack of consistent yoga, a lack of pranayama (breathwork), a lack of healthy boundaries, & interestingly placing health second in their daily life tasks. The common physical toll is a tight cervical neck, trigger points in the rotator cuffs, tenderness in the outer/upper glute medius, TMJ issues, and numbness/tingling in the hands.

If this is you, don’t feel targeted. Feel seen. And, that’s a great thing. That’s when you know we are in this current collaboration of mental (slavery) liberation for a long time. You have found one of your forever guides on the pathway to consistent self care. After all, we are all looking for our forever pieces in the chess game of life.

A new year is here. 2023. What does that mean to you? What do you want it to mean to you? What will you do differently each day to grow into the healthiest version of yourself? Age, timing, and excuses aside. Look at the clock on your phone, or computer in this moment. What time is it? If you internally stated a time. Change is coming. Because actually, the time is NOW. I can tell you, the shortest distance between two points is intention. Place that in your moment to moment decision making. And, watch your true life unfold.

I want you to let go of the unnecessary clutching you have developed from moments of unresolved trauma in your life. If everything in life is “choice,” choose to free your mind in this very moment. Listen to your intuition. It is your highest intelligence. If you have been feeling only led by adulting, external world obligations, and convenience…I have news for you. You are not living in your true power. You are not living your authentic purpose. You are simply playing house.

Again, take each morsel like a gong to your heart. Or, not. Take what you will. Take nothing at all. Remember, allow this neutral guidance to inspire long awaited change. Otherwise, one only makes change or shows up for themselves when the discomfort is too much.

Do not wait till you are in pain to make change. Set consistent self care practices now, and ahead of you. From there, create untouchable boundaries around YOU time. DING! The bell within has rung. No, that wasn’t a New Years Eve bell. Just the momentum shift you need for that different outcome you are quietly calling in.

To have a different outcome is to make a different approach. Madness is finding the cure in the very environment unnecessary tension was born in. One must self inquire when a discomfort and/or pain signal appears within the body. This signal only means one thing: one must make conscious change.

Avoidance of these signals only creates negative long term side effects. Place health first, build the dream second. Self invest in peace of mind. Show up for yourself in the presence of spiritual guides, teachers, and gurus. Being led by fear is not your actual purpose here. If you are reading this, you have this very moment to choose which way you want the rest of your life to go. Will you keep chasing the illusory “point B?” Or, will you choose honesty with your present self to lead the awakened way.

It’s never too late to make change. Unnecessary tension within you, and without you is not your natural state. Bliss is your natural state. Invest into more of this. And, allow the edges of the body to soften with each mindful moment. Peace of mind awaits. I await you at Pranava. We await you at Pranava.

With great heart, LG


Day Of Joy